10 Easy and Cheap Party Games for Children

Children’s party can come with a lot of added pressure on parents. So we have comprised a list of games and activities that will be sure to make your child’s party a hit!

musical chairs

1. Duck Duck Goose

HOW TO PLAY: A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward, while another player, who is "it", walks around tapping or pointing to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose", which designates the chosen player as the chaser. The chaser (goose) then stands and tries to tag the chasee (it), while the chasee tries to return to and sit where the chaser had been sitting before. If the chasee succeeds, the chaser becomes the chasee and the process begins again. If the chaser tags the chasee, the chaser may return to their previous spot and the original chasee restarts the process.


water balloon toss

2. Water Balloon Chuck

HOW TO PLAY: Players start facing each other, then toss the balloon to each other. After each catch is completed, players take a set back making the distance greater until the balloon is dropped or explodes. The winner is the team whose balloon is still intact for the longest

EQUIPMENT: https://bit.ly/3e7sJk7

pin the tail

3. Pin the Tail on Donkey/ Spiderman

HOW TO PLAY: This old school games is played by handing the tail/ sticker to the participant then blindfolding them. Allow the others to encourage and give instruction to get the tail as close to the designated spot as possible. I have added a variation of spiderman, which is much more kid friendly

EQUIPMENT: https://bit.ly/3bSqdvy

musical chairs

4. Musical Chairs

HOW TO PLAY: Count the participants, then place the same amount of chairs in a circle. Once the music starts the participants must walk around the circle of chairs until the music stops, then the participants must move as quickly as possible to win a chair. every round a chair is taken away and someone is eliminated.

EQUIPMENT: Chairs and music

donut challenge

5. Donut Challenge

HOW TO PLAY : Hang a few doughnuts from a tree or clothing line and get the participations to try and eat as much of the doughnut as possible without using their hands. this is always a good laugh for parents

EQUIPMENT : String, Doughnut and a tree


6. Egg and Spoon Race

HOW TO PLAY: Get the participants to line up at the start line. Hand them each a spoon with an egg on it. explain that they need to balance the egg while walking as fast as they can to reach their destination which is usually a cone or an adult. once they reach their location, they return and give the egg and spoon to the next participant in line. once everybody is finished, get them to sit down to see who won.

EQUIPMENT: https://bit.ly/3b8kC4S


7. Musical Statues

HOW TO PLAY: Always a classic! Get the participants to dance while the music plays, then freeze when the music stops. Once the music stops, an adult needs to look for someone who was still moving. They now become your helper to spot the other kids who move when the music stops. Great game with minimal equipment needed

EQUIPMENT: Dance music


8. Sack Race

HOW TO PLAY: Get the participants to line up at the start line. Hand them each a sack and get them to climb inside. Explain that they to race to reach their destination the fastest which is usually a cone or an adult. Once they reach their location, they return and give the sack to the next participant in line. Once everybody is finished, get them to sit down to see who won. This one is excellent for providing some laughs!

EQUIPMENT: https://bit.ly/2MEqKIG


9. Tug-O-War

HOW TO PLAY: Make two equal team (strength wise) and get them to take hold of the top. set the mark that they have to reach to win. This usually needs parental supervision but the kids really enjoy the challenge!

EQUIPMENT: https://bit.ly/3b6Pcff


10. LIMBO!

HOW TO PLAY: Get your limbo stick which can be either a balloon, stick or broom to be held by 2 people. Then turn up the music and get the kids to limbo! This is an awesome game for parties with a great variance of participations ages. Everybody loves it!

EQUIPMENT: A stick, a long balloon or a broom. of course music


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