The Avenger Party

the Avengers

The avenger party is the most extravagant party we offer. You will have your pick for 7 different avengers. The party runs similar to our superhero but with the increase in the number of entertainers, the fun increases as well. Do play all the classic party games like egg races, sack races, pin the tail on the donkey, duck -duck goose, three-legged race, tug-o-war, water balloon hot potato, water balloon egg toss, musical chairs and many more!

Avenger Price range( 1 hour)

4 avengers - $700 - maximum 40 kids

5 avengers - $850 - maximum 50 kids

6 avengers - $1000 - maximum 60 kids 

7 avengers - $1150 - maximum 70 kids 


Face Painters and Balloon Twisters